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الخميس 25 أبريل 2024 03:22 صـ 16 شوال 1445 هـ
رئيس مجلس الإدارة ورئيس التحريرصالح شلبي
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شراكة بين «جي في للاستثمارات» و «لادا مصر» لتصنيع وتوزيع السيارات في السوق المصري تكريم الفائزين في مسابقة الصفحة الرسمية لمجلس أمناء أكتوبر الجديدة إيفرتون يبدد أحلام ليفربول فى لقب الدورى الإنجليزى ويفوز 2-0 اعضاء نادى المصرى القاهرى يهئنون الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى بمناسبة أعياد تحرير سيناء شعبة المصورين: الفنان ملك جماهيره وتصوير جنازته ضرورة ولكن تتم طبقا لأخلاقيات بسبب التوقيت الصيفي.. تغيير مواعيد الرحلات الجوية بعد بدء التطبيق الأرصاد: انخفاض في درجات الحرارة غدًا.. ورياح ترابية على القاهرة قائمة الزمالك لمواجهة دريمز الغانى.. عودة زيزو وفتوح وعمر جابر رغم طرد رمضان صبحى.. بيراميدز يهزم البنك 3-2 ويبتعد بصدارة الدورى أبو ردينة: نحمل الإدارة الأمريكية مسئولية أي اقتحام لرفح الفلسطينية وتداعياته الخطيرة إيفرتون يتقدم على ليفربول بهدف فى شوط أول نارى بديربى الميرسيسايد رئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني يؤكد ضرورة عقد مؤتمر للمانحين لدعم الحكومة الفلسطينية

Interview with Mo Psycho :- Games may provide health, social benefits, learning, etc

Mo Psycho Gamer
Mo Psycho Gamer

Interview with Mohamed “ Mo Psycho “
Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children's learning, health and social skills, according to a review of research in American Psychologist.

The study comes out as debate continues among psychologists and other health professionals regarding the effects of violent media on youth. An APA task force is conducting a comprehensive review of research on violence in video games and interactive media and will release its findings later this year.

Mo Psycho gamer said "Important research has already been conducted for decades on the negative effects of gaming, including addiction, depression and aggression, and we are certainly not suggesting that this should be ignored.


"However, to understand the impact of video games on children's and adolescents' development, a more balanced perspective is needed."


While one widely held view maintains that playing video games is intellectually lazy, such play actually may strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception, according to several studies reviewed in the article. This is particularly true for shooter video games, which are often violent, the authors found. A 2013 meta-analysis found that playing shooter video games improved a player's capacity to think about objects in three dimensions just as well as academic courses designed to enhance these same skills, according to the study.


"This has critical implications for education and career development, as previous research has established the power of spatial skills for achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics," Granic says.


This enhanced thinking was not found when playing other types of video games, such as puzzles or role-playing games.

Playing video games may also help children develop problem-solving skills, the authors said. The more adolescents reported playing strategic video games, such as role-playing games, the more they improved in problem solving and school grades the following year, according to a long-term study published in 2013. Children's creativity was also enhanced by playing any kind of video game, including violent games, but not when the children used other forms of technology, such as a computer or cell phone, other research revealed.


Simple games that are easy to access and can be played quickly, such as "Angry Birds," can improve players' moods, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety, the study said. "If playing video games simply makes people happier, this seems to be a fundamental emotional benefit to consider," said Granic. The authors also highlighted the possibility that video games are effective tools for learning resilience in the face of failure. By learning to cope with ongoing failures in games, the authors suggest that children build emotional resilience they can rely upon in their everyday lives.


Another stereotype the research challenges is the socially isolated gamer. More than 70 percent of gamers play with a friend, and millions of people worldwide participate in massive virtual worlds through video games such as "Farmville" and "World of Warcraft," the article noted. Multiplayer games become virtual social communities, where decisions need to be made quickly about whom to trust or reject and how to lead a group, the authors said. People who play video games, even if they are violent, that encourage cooperation are more likely to be helpful to others while gaming than those who play the same games competitively, a 2011 study found.

You can visit Mo Psycho on his website www.mopsycho.com

أسعار العملات

متوسط أسعار السوق بالجنيه المصرى24 أبريل 2024

العملة شراء بيع
دولار أمريكى 47.8463 47.9463
يورو 51.1285 51.2498
جنيه إسترلينى 59.5064 59.6356
فرنك سويسرى 52.3253 52.4404
100 ين يابانى 30.8706 30.9371
ريال سعودى 12.7563 12.7836
دينار كويتى 155.3249 155.7001
درهم اماراتى 13.0251 13.0558
اليوان الصينى 6.6030 6.6170

أسعار الذهب

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الجنيه الذهب بيع 24,600 شراء 24,760
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